Essential Skills In A Digital Age
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
An Inspirational One-Day Masterclass
With Leading Experts And Award-Winning Secretaries

Essential Skills For Our Digital Future
with Shirley Taylor
- The digital world – what difference does it make to you?
- What are the most satisfying and challenging parts of your job?
- What essential skills will assistants need for a successful future?
- What do bosses want from assistants?
- What does your future look like?
Morning Break

Breaking Through To Excellence
with Joanna Barclay
- The importance of building effective relationships for the success of individuals and the whole organisation
- Recognising people’s strengths
- Making people feel valued by understanding their motivations
- Managing conflict for positive results
- Empowering people to choose their behaviour based on the results they want
Panel Session: Real Talk In Real Time
Shirley Taylor Interviews 3 Award-Winning Executive Assistants
- Angeline Goh, PA, Grey Group,
Winner of PA of the Year 2017 - Chan Ai Wah, Senior Administrative Specialist,
Halliburton, Runner-up of PA of the Year 2017 - Jemma Norton, Senior Manager, Global Admin,
Surbana Jurong Pte Ltd

Collaborating Your Way To Success
with Marianna Pascal
- Working together in a game of creativity
- Communicating to make the whole team successful
- Collaboration and fun with your new friends
Afternoon Break

Personal Lessons Of An 800km Walk
with Joerg Kuehn
- Key lessons Joerg learned from his journey on the Camino De Santiago
- How this experience gave Joerg the courage to change his life
- What do you need and want in your life? What’s weighing you down?
- Using your ultimate destination to propel you towards your goals
- Gaining focus and control by implementing key productivity habits